Jessica Payne and I became friends when she created the #momswritersclub on Twitter. Soon we became critique partners, beta readers, and alpha readers for each other. (Want to know the difference? Watch Episode 4 ) Now we are good friends, though we're half a continent apart, and we are coincidentally parallel in our publishing journeys. (She signed with an agent less than a month before I did!)
#momswritersclub has taken off with biweekly chats and daily engagement from a diverse, interesting and supportive groups of moms and mom-adjacent folks.
Jess and I realized that there was an opportunity to dig deeper into the topics that came up on the hashtag, so we decided to try out a YouTube channel where we discuss writing-life and mom-life, craft and naptime, child rearing and book birthing. The two lives are entwined in some interesting ways! We hope you'll enjoy our chats. They are watchable, and also listenable like a podcast. We plan to release a new one each week and are delighted to hear suggestions and comments from our listeners.
Check out our first episode (and more) below. Thanks!